Haig’s User Experience Design Books on Goodreads
Haig’s Canon of Design Books on Goodreads
Interaction Design Books
About Face 3 The Essentials of Interaction Design
Alan Cooper, Robert Reimann and David Cronin ISBN: 978-0470084113
Don’t Make Me Think. A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability
Steve Krug ISBN: 978-0321344755
Designing Interactions
Bill Moggridge ISBN: 978-0262134743
Designing with Web Standards (3rd Edition) [Paperback]
Jeffrey Zeldman (Author), Ethan Marcotte (Author) ISBN: 978-0321616951
Sketching User Experience
Bill Buxton
Designing for the Digital Age: How to Create Human-Centred Products and Services
Kim Goodwin
The Elements of User Experience: User–Centred Design for the Web
Jesse James Garrett
Thoughts on Interaction Design, 2nd Edition
Jon Kolko
Designing for Interaction
Dan Saffer
Exposing the Magic of Design: A Practitioner’s Guide to the Methods and Theory of Synthesis
Jon Kolko
Meta Products: Meaningful design for our connected world
Sara Cordoba Rubino, Wimer Hazenberg and Menno Huisman
2D & 3D Elements & Principles
- Bowers, John. Introduction to Two-Dimensional Design: Understanding Form and Function
- Elam, Kimberly. Geometry of Design
- Evans, Poppy, and Thomas, Mark. Exploring the Elements of Design
- Hannah, Gail Greet. Elements of Design: Rowena Reed Kostellow & The Structure of
- Visual Relationships
- Thorpe, Ann. The Designer’s Atlas of Sustainability
- White, Alex W. The Elements of Graphic Design
2D Design
- Drate, Spencer. Foundation: Transforming found objects into digital assemblage
- Tufte, Edward. The Visual Display of Quantitative Information
- Tufte, Edward. Envisioning Information
- Tufte, Edward. Visual Explanations
- Tufte, Edward. Beautiful Evidence
- Hiebert, Kenneth. Graphic Design Sources
- Hochuli, Jost. Designing Books
- Hulburt, Allen. The Grid: A modular system for the design + production of newspapers,
- Johnson, Michael. Problem Solved: a primer in design and communication
- Koren, Leonard and R. Wippo Meckler. Graphic Design Cookbook
- Kunz, Willi. Macro + Microaesthetics
- Kunz, Willi. Formation + Transformation
- Krause, Jim. Creative Sparks
- Jedlicka, Wendy. Sustainable Graphic Design: tools, systems, and strategies for innovative print design
- Lupton, Ellen. DesignWritingResearch
- Müller-Brockmann, Joseph. Grid Systems
- Munari, Bruno, et.al. Bright Minds, Beautiful Ideas
- Newmark, Quentin. What is Graphic Design?
- Odling-Smee, Anne. The new handmade graphics: beyond digital design
- Peterson, Bryan L. Design Basics for Creative Results
- Polano, Sergio and Pierpaolo. ABC of 20th Graphics
- Samara, Timothy. Making and Breaking the Grid: a Graphic Design Workshop
- Woodham, Jonathan. Twentieth Century Design
- Baines, Phil and Andrew Haslam. Type and Typography
- Bosshard, Hans Rudolf. The Typographic Grid
- Bringhurst, Robert. Elements of Typographic Style, 3rd Edition
- Cheng, Karen. Designing Type
- Craig, James. Designing with Type 5th Ed.
- Earls, David. Designing Typefaces
- Elam, Kimberly. Grid Systems: Principles of Organizing Type
- Lupton, Ellen. Thinking with Type: a critical guide
- Riggs, Tamye and James Grieshaber. Typeface: Classic Typography for Contemporary Design
- Rogener, Stefan, Albert-Jan Pool, and Ursula Packhauser. Branding With Type
- Samara, Timothy. Typography Workbook
- Spiekermann, Erik. Stop Stealing Sheep
3D Design
- Beukers, Adriaan, and Van Hinte, Ed. Lightness
- Burdek, Bernard. Design: The History, Theory, and Practice of Product Design
- Papanek, Victor. Design for the Real World
- Potter, Norman. The Design of Everyday Objects
- Potter, Norman. What is a Designer, Education and Practice
- Ashby, Michael, and Johnson. Materials and Design: The Art and Science of Material Selection in Product Design
- Lawson, Bryan. How Designers Think
- Goel, Vinod. Sketches of Thought
- Laurel, Brenda, Design Research: Methods and Perspectives
- Norman, Donald. Why we Love (or Hate) Everyday Things