Month: January 2017

  • What is data?

    Before we leap into creating visualizations, charts and maps, we’ll consider the nature of data, and some basic principles that will help you to investigate datasets to find and tell stories. This is not a course in statistics, but I will introduce a few fundamental statistical concepts, which hopefully will stand you in good stead as we work…

  • Future of Education – part I

    For the first part of your Future of Education Data Visualization you will be looking for data to support a story or message that you’d like to communicate. For example if you’d like to show that the price of university education in Canada is consistently rising over the past decade you may want to find…

  • Nominal, Ordinal & Quantitative

    Nominal A Nominal variable (sometimes called a categorical variable) is one that has two or more categories, but there is no intrinsic ordering to the categories or is qualitative. For example, gender is a categorical variable having two categories (male and female) and there is no intrinsic ordering to the categories. Hair color is also a categorical…

  • Visualization Types

    There is a vast sea of Visualization types, some used commonly and others seldom seen and understood. This posting is a starting point for gathering a definitive list of visualization types. Here is Google’s Chart Categorization.

  • D3 – 01 | Hello World

    Step 0 – Preparing the HTML Base HTML code that you can copy into a file. Alternatively, create an HTML skeleton file with your editor (e.g. Brackets, Sublime or TextMate) and made sure to link to the D3.js library. The Javascript code in the snippets should go within the script tag! You should enter your code…

  • Assignment 00: One Good Data Visualisation

    Find an example of a data visualisation that represents at least two of the principles outlined in Principles of Information Design PDF. Write some brief notes about: Why you chose this visualisation What makes is a good example in your opinion Which principles does it adhere to Is the visualisation exploratory of explanatory Post your…

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to Making Data Interactive on Haig Armen Courses. This is a new course introduced in January 2017 that explores how to design and build interactive data visualizations. Check out the course outline for more information about the course or the course schedule for topics and syllabus.