Month: February 2017

  • Acquiring, cleaning, and formatting data

    Not so many years ago, data was hard to obtain. Often data journalists would have to painstakingly compile their own datasets from paper records, or make specific requests for electronic databases using freedom of information laws. The Internet has changed the game. While those methods may still be needed, many government databases can now be…

  • Using GitHub

    In this week’s class we will learn the basics of version control, so that you can work on your final projects in a clean folder with a single set of files, but can save snapshots of versions of your work at each point and return to them if necessary. This avoids the hell of having…

  • Graphical Analysis & Exploration

    Introducing Tableau Public In this tutorial we will work with Tableau Public, which allows you to create a wide variety of interactive charts, maps and tables and organize them into dashboards and stories that can be saved to the cloud and embedded on the web. The free Public version of the software requires you to save…

  • Data visualization: Principles

    Why visualize data? It is a good way to communicate complex information, because we are highly visual animals, evolved to spot patterns and make visual comparisons. To visualize effectively, however, it helps to understand a little about how our brains process visual information. The mantra for this week’s class is: Design for the human brain!…

  • Network Analysis with Gephi

    Network analysis with Gephi Today, network analysis is being used to study a wide variety of subjects, from how networks of genes and proteins influence our health to how connections between multinational companies affect the stability of the global economy. Network graphs can also be used to great effect in journalism to explore and illustrate…

  • Assignment 02: Scatterplot in D3

    As part of this course you will be given weekly challenges to help you get more familiar with D3. In this assignment you will take the data from Global Infectious Disease Ratings & Democratization Scores of Country to plot out a Scatterplot. The Dataset is called disease_democ.csv and can be found in this zip file. You will model your Scatterplot…