Essential Javascript Links

# Essential JavaScript Links

A curated list by Eric Elliott and friends. Suggest links in the comments below.

This is a very exclusive collection of only must-have JavaScript links. I’m only listing my favorite links. Nothing else makes the cut. Feel free to suggest links if you think they’re good enough to make this list.

## Required Reading (Online resources)

* Learn JavaScript Essentials (for all skill levels) – One clear path to JavaScript mastery
* JavaScript Training Sucks 99 out of 100 JS developers lack the skills they need to fill hundreds of thousands of jobs. We can change that.
* The Two Pillars of JavaScript Part 1: Prototypal OO
* The Two Pillars of JavaScript Part 2: Functional Programming
* JavaScript Objects An excellent explanation of inheritance in JavaScript by Kyle Simpson
* Isomorphic JavaScript
* JavaScript Application Architecture on the Road to 2015 – Addy Osmani
* Reactive MVC and the Virtual DOM Great read, even if you’re not a React user.
* Introduction to Reactive Programming
* The General Theory of Reactivity What is all this talk about reactive? Functional? Promises? This is the beginning of a reactive programming bible.
* ES6 Generators A series of blog posts by Kyle Simpson
* Typed JavaScript – Excellent post about the state of typed JavaScript by Axel Rauschmayer
* Taming the Asynchronous Beast with CSP in JavaScript – James Long
* ES6 Modules: The Final Syntax by @rauschma #AMDisDead
## Required Viewing
* [Asynchronous Programming at Netflix]( – [Jafar Husain](
* [David Nolen: Immutability: Putting The Dream Machine To Work]( – [David Nolen](
* [Delivering the Goods]( Paul Irish on one of the most important but overlooked topics in the development world today – page load times.

## Spec

* [ES5 Spec]( An annotated, hyperlinked version of the ES5 spec
* [ES6 draft](
## Books

* [JavaScript for Kids](
* [Eloquent JavaScript](
* [JavaScript: The Good Parts](
* [Effective JavaScript](
* [Programming JavaScript Applications](
* [JavaScript: The Definitive Guide](
* [You Don’t Know JS](
* [Understanding ECMAScript 6]( by Nicholas C. Zakas
* [Node.js in Action](
* [The Dream Machine: J.C.R. Licklider and the Revolution That Made Computing Personal](
## Dev tools & collaboration

* [nvm]( First install this…
* [Node]( Then install Node (with nvm). You’ll need this even if you’re a front-end dev.
* [npm]( Install lots of other things with npm. **The package manager for JavaScript.** Comes with Node.
* [Sublime Text 3](
* [Node Inspector]( Debug Node code with the Chrome debug tools
* [TraceGL]( Powerful runtime analysis of live JavaScript code
* [Tern]( Static analysis in JavaScript
* [JSDoc]( – Pair with [Tern]( for static analysis
* [Nitrous.IO]( (Supports live collaboration / pair programming)
* [Slack]( Chat for teams, with GitHub and Google hangouts integration
* For hangouts, just type /hangout in any channel
* [PrettyDiff](
* [ES6 Fiddle](
## Building

* [Browserify]( Bundle modules for the browser.
* [How to use NPM as a Build Tool](
### Lint / Quality checkers

* [JSHint](
* [ESLint](
* [Istanbul]( Code coverage reporting
* [tape]( and [faucet]( for dead simple unit testing.
### Transpilers

* [6to5]( (ES6)
* [CoffeeScript](
* [Emscripten]( (frequently used for C/C++ JavaScript ports)
* [Traceur]( (
* [ES6 tools]( Addy Osmani’s ES6 Tools list
## JavaScript environments

* [Node.js]( Server side JavaScript and more
* [io.js]( – The Node fork
## Libraries

* [es5-shim]( Stable, production ready.
* [es6-shim]( Somewhat stable, but a few things I thought were solid got shifted to ES7.
* [es7-shim]( Experimantal. Use with caution.
* [native-promise-only]( An ECMAScript standard promise polyfill by Kyle Simpson
* [isomorphic-fetch]( A [WHATWG fetch]( standard polyfill
* [jQuery]( Yes, [I still use jQuery]( and so do 61% of the top 100,000 websites – for good reason.
* [Blaze]( DOM-diffing isomorphic reactive templates from Meteor
* [RxJS]( Reactive extensions for JavaScript. [What’s reactive?](
* [Moment]( A lightweight JavaScript date library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates.
* [Globalize]( i18n / translate your app for many languages and locations (locales)
* [Express]( The most popular framework for Node
* [Stampit]( Stampit – create objects from reusable, composable behaviors. Prototypal inheritance with stamps.
* [Credential]( If you write Node apps with password logins, you need Credential
* [cuid]( GUIDs are broken – use cuid, instead
* [velocity]( & [Velocity Motion Designer (VMD)]( UI animation library
* [json-schema]( – Great for model validations
## Web Components

* [FIRST](
* [Polyfills](
* [HTML Imports](
* [Custom Elements](
* [Templates](
* [Shadow DOM](
* [x-gif]( This web component wins the internet.
## QA / Deployment / Monitoring / CI

* [PM2]( Process monitoring / self repair
* [New Relic]( Deep insights into the performance and health of your production apps
* [Sauce Labs]( Cross platform web application testing with great collaboration and integration support
* [Travis CI]( CI, of course
* [Docker]( Run your CI process using the same OS configs as your production systems.
* [Shippable]( Docker-based hosted build / CI
## Community

* [ES Discuss]( The mailing list where all the ECMAScript standard discussion action is.
* [JavaScript on Google+](
* [HTML5 on Google+](
* [Node.js on Google+](
* IRC ##JavaScript irc://
* IRC #node.js irc://
* IRC #io.js irc:// – the Node fork
## News
* [JavaScript Weekly](
* [Node Weekly](
* [HTML5 Weekly](
* [EchoJS](
* [DailyJS](
* [JavaScript Jabber](
## Pasting / sharing code

* [Codepen](
* [RequireBin](
## Contests

* [DemoJS]( The JavaScript demoscene party
* [JS1k]( JavaScript domes in 1k of memory
* [JS13k Games]( JavaScript games in 13k of memory
* [FightCode game]( program virtual battle bots and climb the leaderboard
* [Node Knockout]( The legendary Node competition
## Hackable Hardware

* [Nodebots](
* [Cylon](
* [Nodecopter](
* [Tessel](
* [Espruino](
## Hosting

* [DigitalOcean](
## Twitter (alphabetical order)

* [Addy Osmani]( – App architecture expert, Chrome dev tools champion
* [Angus Croll]( – Author, “If Hemingway Wrote JavaScript”
* [Axel Rauschmayer]( – ES Next evangelist, author
* [Brendan Eich]( – Created JavaScript
* [David Nolen]( – Great functional programming content
* [David Herman]( – Author, “Effective JavaScript”
* [EchoJS]( – News and links
* [Eric Elliott]( – That’s me. O’Reilly author. JavaScript architect. JS Instructor.
* [Jafar Husain]( – Great talks on RxJS, ES next, etc…
* [James Halliday]( aka Substack – author of ~one million~ Node modules you probably use.
* [James Long]( – CSP, functional programming advocate, Mozilla developer
* [JavaScript Cheerleader]( – Mover & shaker, JavaScript evangelist, documentary film maker
* [JavaScript Daily]( – News and links
* [Jordan Harband]( – Keeping us ahead of the JS curve
* [Kyle Simpson]( – Author, YDKJS – O’Reilly, JS Instructor, open web evangelist
* [Marijn Haverbeke]( – Author, “Eloquent JavaScript”
* [Nicholas C. Zakas]( – Author, speaker
* [Nick Morgan]( – Author, “JavaScript for Kids”
* [Paul Irish]( – Developer evangelist, Chrome dev tools champion
* [Reginald Braithwaite]( – Author, “JavaScript Allongé”, speaker, GitHub
* [YDKJS]( – You Don’t Know JS, O’Reilly book series by Kyle Simpson






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